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Royal Arch Research Assistance

The Royal Arch Research Assistance (RARA) is the national Philanthropy of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, International. RARA is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization incorporated in the state of Kentucky in 1974.

The mission of RARA is to support research on Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). CAPD is a hearing deficiency that usually affects younger people and does not allow them to distinguish sounds as would be heard by those with regular hearing. Background noises and other speakers disturb and confuse people with CAPD making it difficult to concentrate. This results in misunderstandings and/or frustrations leading to students being accused of being dysfunctional.

RARA has gone from the support of one researcher and one office to the support of three organizations, all working on CAPD research with several direct researchers together with Autism Speaks and Hearing Health offering NATIONAL services and with opportunities for local involvement.

All donations from South Carolina are encouraged to be sent to/through the RARA Committee Chairman of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of South Carolina. Please make all checks payable to “Royal Arch Research Assistance”, note in the memo field which Chapter No. you belong to (if applicable), and send them to:

G. Walker Moore
213 Commonwealth Drive
Ninety Six, SC 29666
[email protected]
864 941-0666