The links above
will take you to a web page about the various South Carolina York
Rite Charities that we support and a brief description of each one.
On each page is a link to a Donation Form. You can also go
to the national bodies' philanthropy web page (where applicable) for
more information about these charities and to the web page(s)
that better describe the charities and their purpose.
encourage that all South Carolina originated donations be made
through the individual noted on the various South Carolina web
pages. |
- Visitors Since October 02, 2013
UPDATED - March 18, 2015 @ 15:00 HRS
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Maintained By:
Jim Barr, PMIGM, Web Master - [email protected]
Gary B. "Buck" Jolley, PMIGM, Grand Sec-Rec, Web Master - [email protected]
Graphics courtesy of Dan Pushee - yorkrite.org